良好的学业进步(SAP) |财政援助

Federal regulations require financial aid recipients to maintain "satisfactory academic progress" (SAP) toward a recognized degree or certificate. Satisfactory academic progress applies to all undergraduate and graduate students who receive any type of financial assistance (institutional, 州或联邦)由大学管理,并将在每个付款期(夏季/秋季/春季)后进行审查。.

大学令人满意的学术进步政策包括定性和定量标准. 这些标准的定义如下. 学生的所有入学期间,无论学生是否获得资助,都包括在内. 除了, all credit hours transferred into Carroll are included and counted toward a student's maximum time frame and are reflected in the student's cumulative 年级 point average (CGPA).



为了从博天堂官方入口登陆登录毕业, 以下为助理的平均绩点标准, 本科和研究生课程如下:

  • 副学士学位:2.75年平均绩点
  • 学士学位:2.0的绩点
  • 研究生学历:3.0的绩点



学生在最大学分时间框架内成功完成其课程, 他们必须成功完成所有尝试学分的67%(例如, 注册12个学分并完成8个学分的本科生.5个学时已完成可接受的尝试学时百分比,67%或更高). 请参阅下面的说明,哪些课程包括在尝试和获得. 这适用于所有学生(副学士、学士和研究生)。.


规定规定,学生必须在其课程公布学分长度的150%内完成其课程. Students will not be eligible for financial aid for any credits that are attempted in excess of 150 percent of the published credit length. Credits transferred to Carroll shall be included in the calculation of attempted and earned credits for the purpose of determining the total 150 percent timeframe. 例如, 本科学士学位需要128个学分, 这将导致最多192个学分(128 x 150%). 保持获得联邦财政援助的资格, 您必须能够在超过最大时间框架之前完成所有学位要求. 审查接近或超过其最大时间框架的学生, 卡罗尔会评估学生到目前为止修过的学分, 学生目前所修的学分数, 加上仍然需要完成的学分. 请查看下面的课程处理部分,以确定哪些课程被计算在最长时间内.


副学士学位的公开学分为82学分. 因此,尝试学分的最大时间框架将是123学分.

Students pursuing a second undergraduate Associate degree after receiving a bachelor's degree can receive up to an additional 100% of the published program length. 例如, 学生最多可修274学分(占学士课程的150% + 82学分)。.


本科学士学位的公开学时为128学分. 因此, 本科生在攻读学位时最多可以修192个学分.

Students pursuing a second undergraduate bachelor's degree or teacher certification can receive up to an additional 100% of the published program length. 例如,学生将被允许尝试最多320学分(192+128).

研究生申请的最长时间根据他们所申请的硕士学位而有所不同. 研究生应向所属院系查询已公布的课程长度. 研究生必须在出版长度的150%内完成学位. 例如, MBA课程要求33个学分,因此学生必须在49年前完成学位.5学分(33学分× 150%).


以下是为了取得令人满意的学业进步,具体课程是如何被考虑在内的. 在确定最长时限时也考虑到这些课程:




学生未完成的课程将被计算为尝试,但不计入学分. 一旦教授认可的不完整就改为字母, 年级, a student can notify the 财政援助办事处 to request a reevaluation of their statistics (notification no later than 2 weeks prior to the end of the next term of enrollment). 如果不完整的成绩改为字母成绩,学生有责任通知经济援助办公室. 由于课程尚未完成而不完成.e. 课程结束后,将对学生教学(临床)进行评估. 任何其他未完成事项将在下一个SAP评估期进行核算. 不完整的 are removed by the end of the eighth week of the next semester or it automatically becomes a failure (unless an extension is granted), 请查看学术目录了解更多信息.


重修的课程将显示为已修学分和已修学分. 但是,只有最后一次报告的成绩才会包含在学生的GPA中.


以前的工作经验或考试的学分将包括在学生的累计工作时数和尝试时数中. 以前工作经验所获得的学分, CLEP和/或AP将显示在学生的成绩单上.




Transfer credits accepted from other schools will be counted toward completion of the degree program as both hours attempted and hours earned. 转学绩点将包括在SAP使用的累积绩点中.






参加及格/不及格课程的学生将获得S或U的成绩. 及格/不及格分数S将包括在尝试和获得的小时数中. 及格/不及格分数U将计入尝试学时,但不计入获得学时. 及格/不及格成绩不包括在GPA的计算中.


因为学生必须完成所有学分的67%的及格成绩,才有资格获得经济援助. A、AB、B、BC、C、D和S的成绩算作尝试和获得的学分. F级, I, U, W计算为尝试但不获得学分,并将对完成百分比产生负面影响.


学生可以要求在确认的成绩变化被发布到他们的学习记录后重新评估他们的SAP状态. 学生必须联系财政援助办公室,并在学期结束前提交一份非正式成绩单. 任何其他职等变动将在下一个SAP评价期间计入.


A student who changes majors will have credits earned from all majors included in the GPA as well as the maximum attempted credits and in the calculation of credits that have been attempted and earned.



Any student who does not meet satisfactory academic progress during a given semester or payment period will be put on financial aid warning status for the following semester. 在受到警告的情况下,学生可以获得经济援助. 处于警告状态的学生无需上诉. A student will be notified in writing that their financial aid is now in a warning status and be instructed that they will have one additional semester/payment period to meet SAP standards.


If after a semester of financial aid warning a student has not reestablished eligibility based on the qualitative or quantitative standards described above, 这个学生已失去获得经济援助的资格. 学生可以向财政援助办公室提出上诉(上诉过程如下). 这一呼吁将由SAP委员会进行审查, 如果得到批准, 是否允许学生进入留校察看状态(如果被拒绝), (见以下暂停资助状态). 如果确定学生在一个学期/试用期后不能重新获得资格, 可能需要制定一个学术计划. 未能遵守学业计划将导致学生被置于经济援助暂停状态. A student will be notified in writing that their financial aid is now in a probationary status along with any conditions associated with this status.


卡罗尔的学术计划将在个人基础上制定,其中可能包括学业成绩要求, 与学术顾问会面, 与学生成功处处长会面, 学习共享资源, 等. 未能满足卡罗尔学术计划的要求将导致没有资格获得经济援助.


任何未达到SAP标准且不上诉的学生, 上诉被驳回了吗?, 或不同意遵守学术计划(如有必要)作为其试用状态的一部分, 会否被列为不符合经济资助资格. 处于不合格状态的学生失去了获得经济援助的资格. 重新建立资格的程序概述如下. A student will be notified in writing that their financial aid is now in an ineligible status and how to reestablish financial aid eligibility.


如果学生因不符合SAP标准或已达到正常完成时间的150%而被拒绝资助, 他们将没有资格获得援助. Eligibility can be regained by raising the completion rate of credits attempted to 67% and minimum GPA requirement for the program (unless the reason the student is ineligible is for exceeding the 150% of normal completion time). A student may reestablish their eligibility for financial aid at any point during the academic year and be given the same consideration for aid as other students who are maintaining SAP. 如果学生在学年期间重新确立了自己的地位,他们不需要通过上诉程序. 然而, 学生确实需要以书面形式通知经济援助主任他们希望被考虑获得援助. 在这一点上,主任将核实学生是否符合所有SAP标准.



Students can appeal the loss of financial aid eligibility due to their failure to meet satisfactory academic progress standards after a semester or payment period on financial aid warning status. Students are also able to appeal the 150% rule if they feel there are extenuating circumstances that prevented them from completing their program of study within this defined limit. 可以提出上诉的情况包括, 但不限于, 以下例子:医疗原因, 全职工作, 或者很长一段时间没有上学. 以前未收到联邦财政援助资金不符合减罪情况.

学生可以下载SAP申诉表格(如下所列). Appeals must include the form as well as an explanation in detail (1) the specific reason(s) which contributed to why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress standards (submit supporting documentation - i.e. 医生、治疗师、学术顾问、雇主等的来信.) and (2) what has changed in the student's situation that will allow them to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the end of his or her next semester or payment period, 如果恢复. 未能详细解释或提交证明文件将不予审查.

上诉需要以书面形式提交给财政援助主任. 上诉(必须包括所有证明文件)将在下一个付款期开始之前的任何时间被接受, 然而, 视情况而定, 是否可以在学生提出上诉的付款期限结束前两周内被接受. 由财政援助组成的SAP上诉委员会, 学生成功部和教务处的工作人员偶尔会审查申诉. This committee will be responsible for reviewing the appeals and either reinstating eligibility for financial aid via the financial aid probationary status or placing student on an academic plan. Students who are placed on an academic plan must submit an agreement in a timely manner to retain aid (usually within two weeks from the decision). 未被列入留校察看或学业计划的学生将继续处于经济援助暂停状态. 学生将在收到申诉之日起两周内收到书面决定通知. 上诉决定是终局的.

当/如果批准上诉时, the school must determine that the student is able to make SAP standards by the end of the next payment period OR that the student will be placed on an academic plan. 学术计划s are used when a student cannot mathematically reach the minimum GPA requirements or completion percentage after one payment period. 学业计划将根据个人情况制定,可能包括学业成绩要求, 和学生成功会议. 未提交经签署的学术计划的学生将被暂停助学金期限. 下载学业进步申诉表格

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